We’re back!

Today is the first day back in the office for the enke team and it’s great to be back.
There are no holiday blues to speak of, as we are all-systems-go in terms of kicking off the New Year. So what are looking forward to , you may ask? Below is a short list of what’s on our radar:
– enke turns 5 this year *woop woop*
– Celebrating the achievements of our 2013 Trailblazers in March/April.
– 2014 Igniters & 2014 Trailblazers join the enke family in June/July of this year.
– Hosting exciting and exhilirating enke: Forums in Johannesburg & Cape Town, come June/July 2014.
We could tell you EVERYTHING exciting that’s happening at enke, but where’s the fun in that? Instead we will recommend that you keep an eye on our Facebook page, Twitter timeline and this here enke Blog for more exciting information and announcements regarding what’s new at enke in 2014.
Here’s to an inspiring and exciting 2014, where you get to #MakeYourMark on your community, city and world!
– The enke Team
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