The Context: 42% of young people in South AFrica are not in employment, education or training – that’s over 6 million people. South Africa is in danger of missing out on the full potential of its young people. The traditional education system is not giving youth the skills they need to thrive in post-school. This can be seen in the rising youth unemployment rate, and the myriad of issues that disproportionately impact young people.
Our Solution: We seek to reverse these trends by focusing on building the inherent assets of young people through social innovation and entrepreneurship. We want to create effective leaders – people who have the desire and ability to identify and access opportunities for a more positive future. Through our leadership programs, youth develop the skills that lead to future employment success and a lasting impact in their communities.
Our Programs: Our curriculum focuses on developing the social and emotional skills that have been associated with future employment success, social responsibility and personal well-being. 91% of enke “graduates” are in education or employment, compared with a national average of 69%. We do this through leadership programs for high school youth, for post-school youth, and specialised services.

enke: Trailblazer Program
This is our flagship leadership program for Grade 10 and 11 learners. It is a 9-month experience in social action and community leadership where learners are trained, inspired and supported to create real change in their communities.
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enke: Ignition Program
This is a volunteer program for post-secondary youth where participants are connected to a diverse, active network, equipped with skills and experience that increase employability and work-readiness, and inspired towards entrepreneurial endeavours.
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enke: Catalyst Program
This program is for unemployed, out of school youth (18-35 years old) and is a 6-month experience in social enterprise and guided coaching for professional development to increase the likelihood of conversion to employment, enterprise, education or training.
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enke: Services
We offer products and services in curriculum development, facilitation, strategy development and monitoring and evaluation. All income from our specialised services goes directly into covering the administrative costs of our programs.
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